
'Love Is Blind' Season 4 Cast: Meet the Singles in the Pods -- Photos - Variety

A new group of singles are looking to fall in love and get engaged before seeing their future spouse. Below, Variety has the first look at the cast of Season 4 of “Love Is Blind,” set to premiere March 24 on Netflix.

The hopefuls, aged 25 to 37, have one thing in common: they are ready to find true love and are tired of conventional dating methods. This season, which filmed in Seattle, will follow singles as they connect inside the pods. Those who decide to get engaged, get to meet face to face before going on a vacation, moving in together, planning their wedding and seeing if the bonds made inside the pods can remain in real life. Health Cigarette

Per the press release, “When their wedding day arrives, will real-world realities and external factors push them apart, or will they marry the person they fell blindly in love with?”

Nick and Vanessa Lachey return as hosts and mentors for the group, as they all discover whether race, age or appearance matter or if love is really blind.

Season 4 will consist 12 episodes that will roll out each Friday. The first five episodes will drop on March 24; episodes 6-8 on March 31; episodes 9-11 on April 7; and the finale will drop April 14.

“Love Is Blind” is produced by Kinetic Content. Chris Coelen, Ally Simpson, Eric Detwiler, Brent Gauches, Brian Smith and Heather Crowe serve as executive producers.

Meet the full cast and get to know them in the video here. The full trailer will drop on Wednesday, March 8.

Age: 34 Career: Flight Attendant Dealbreaker: A man who can’t pick up his socks

Age: 29 Career: Sales & Marketing Coordinator Why she thinks she’s single: She’s “bratty and emotional”

Age: 32 Career: Communications Specialist Looking for: Someone to build a family with who’s both cheeky and empathetic

Age: 33 Career: Real Estate Investor Warning: He broke up with someone who wouldn’t floss.

Age: 33 Career: Senior Program Manager Warning: She hits snooze multiple times every morning.

Age: 39 Career: Real Estate Broker Why she’s single: “My picker is broken.”

Age: 36 Career: Design Director Attracted to: Independence

Age: 31 Career: Pediatric Speech Language Pathologist Hoping for: Someone spicy, sexy and with good morals

Age: 32 Career: Technical Recruiter Why he’s single: “Option paralysis”

Age: 28 Career: Operations Manager Warning: He falls hard and fast

Age: 26 Career: Business Owner Advice for her partner: Buckle up

Age: 30 Career: Software Sales Perfect match: A woman who will be a good mom

Age: 27 Career: Certified Dental Assistant What her partner must know: She refuses to tone down her attitude

Age: 29 Career: Technical Product Manager Looking for: Passion and consistency

Age: 31 Career: Project Engineer His one rule: No liars allowed

Age: 30 Career: Plant Operations Director Best quality: He’s a caregiver whose partner’s happiness comes first

Age: 30 Career: Mortgage Loan Officer Hopes for: A true partner to build a life with

Age: 31 Career: Family Support Specialist Looking for: Mental stimulation

Age: 33 Career: Social Worker Pet peeves: Being late and needing a prompt to say how you feel

Age: 33 Career: Sales Development Manager Looking for: A sense of humor and someone who matches his energy

Age: 27 Career: Marketing Manager What he’s working on: Accepting that no one’s perfect

Age: 27 Career: Marketing Manager Worst habits: Overthinking and romanticizing

Age: 32 Career: Marriage & Family Therapist Must know: She’s very independent — and always late

Age: 31 Career: Elementary School Teacher Fun fact: Bad breath is a deal breaker

Age: 29 Career: Environmental Scientist Key to his heart: Finding happiness in small things.

Age: 36 Career: Gym Owner & Fitness Coach Why he’s single (according to friends): He’s a perfectionist

Age: 29 Career: Commercial Insurance & Real Estate Key to his heart: “good food and good lovin'”

Age: 37 Career: Client Lead Recruiter Looking for: Someone who can make her feel special

Age: 28 Career: Aerospace Engineer Fun fact: Makes her bed every morning and is looking for a best friend.

Age: 31 Career: Criminal Defense Attorney Moment of truth: he was once a “recreational” arguer.

Wax Pen A Variety and iHeartRadio Podcast