SAVANNAH, Ga. (WTOC) - Starting Wednesday in Savannah, you can sort out and recycle all of your glass products.
It’s been more than six years since the City of Savannah quit offering glass recycling. Flour Jars Glass

Bacon Park Transfer Station is one of two that the city will be opening. This service is free to Savannah residents and will collect glass only products to be recycled.
Here is a look at what they will accept: any glass bottles, jugs or jars that can be either clear, brown, green or blue in color.
They will accept them with or without the labels peeled off.
There are also some items they will not be accepting, which includes Ceramics, Mirrored or Tempered Glass, Windshield Glass or Pyrex Glass.
The City of Savannah will start their launch Wednesday with two locations and plans to add additional sites that will be announced next month.
Opening Wednesday after 1 p.m. will be the Bacon Park Transfer Station on 6400 Skidaway Road and a second location at Dean Forest Road Landfill on 1327 Dean Forest Road.
These locations will accept glass that will be recycled in the U.S. for reuse in the glass industry.
“We believe this program will help remove glass recyclables from the city’s current single stream recycling program to limit contamination and increase the material value of those items,” said Mayor Van Johnson.
Before this move from the city, WTOC Investigates found about one quarter of what the city recycled, including glass, ended up in the landfill.
The city hopes this extra step of stream lining glass recycling will help those numbers.
Again, this starts Wednesday after the ribbon cutting ceremony at 1 p.m. After that you can bring by your glass products to recycle for free.
You can find more information here.

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